Nana Mar's funeral was yesterday. It was a good day. The funeral was perfect. I think it made her happy. My mother in law loved music and there was plenty of that. The speakers were great. I'm so proud of my husband and his words. Right before he spoke, he said "I'm about to speak at my mother's funeral" with a shaky,
surreal, voice. I whispered, "speak from your heart". And he did. When he was done, Jane went up at sang "I am a Child of God" in the microphone
a capella. Nana would have loved that. A lot of people cried. The whole funeral was touching. I especially loved what the bishop had to say about her. He worked with her for the past five years. He knew her strengths and limitations and put them beautifully. He didn't have the baggage that most of her close
acquaintances had, and just served her and showed much love and patience. I feel at peace, because I know she is at peace. My husband is not quite there. I hope I can help him as he heals from this unexpected death. More importantly, I know the Lord loves him and is giving constant comfort to him. It was so good for him to see all the love and support from people at the funeral. That helped so much. If you couldn't be there, thank you for your words of support however they came. After the delicious ham lunch, he felt a little relief. When we got home, we put the girls down and took a much needed 2 hour nap. That felt good. And so the healing begins.