Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I figured it out

So, as you have noticed, I haven't blogged much lately. I have figured out why (besides the fact that I'm a mom of two extremely busy little ladies). The computer is in Jane's room. The best time for me to blog is while Jane's sleeping. So you see it doesn't work. If I'm on the computer while she's awake, I feel completely guilty and neglectful. I was looking at a book I made of Jane's first year. I was so diligent and writing everything down. I have done absoluetely nothing for Paisley, poor thing. I don't even blog much about her. What to do??? I have this idea of making a book using iphoto or shutterfly of every year about my whole family...I just hope I do it. Gone are the days for me of scrapbooking. I'm just not into it anymore, not to mention all my supplies are in the garage buried deep in boxes. I'm feeling over whelmed and like I'm not doing enough right now for my families posterity.

On a brighter note, I just spent an amazing week in New York with my husband. I am running like crazy. I'm actually to the point where 3 miles is easy and not enough. I do a big run every Saturday between 6-9 miles (until now I have never ran more than 4 miles total!). Phillip and I even took a 6-7 mile run all around Central Park. Memorable. I have so many moments throughout the day where I look at my little family and think how blessed I am and "I really like them" (of course I love them). I am down about 17 pounds since the beginning of the year. I write in a journal. I love my church calling. I have great friends and family who encourage me.

On the frustrating side, my house isn't selling and we can't lower the price much more. It's been for sale for 1 1/2 years. I have felt in limbo for so long now. For those of you who really know me, I love design. I love to decorate. But I have felt so constricted of that. My husband isn't loving his job, and there isn't much movement in his field right now. So if we did sell our house, where would we move to? How much could we afford? So frustrating. Although I feel down about that, I am constantly reminding myself that Heavenly Father is watching out for us. He's got a plan for us and we just need to be patient.

Thanks for listening to my ups and downs. It's good to be real.


Triple A said...

Tiff-it was good to see ya at stake conference. I can totally relate to all your worries. I just finished some books on winkflash and picaboo. Digital scrapbooking is the way to go. I am so proud of you and your running. I can't wait to get out there. I know how frustrating it is to sell your home. The lord has a plan just no on our time table. Just enjoy life and have faith. But man its hard to do.

Sissy Jackson said...

Girls are DARLING!

Ashlie Dalton said...

tiff, when did you go to nyc?! i'm so jealous. i know we were talking sort of about nyc at mcdonalds a few weeks ago but i don't remember anything about you going soon...
also, WAY TO GO with running!!! i want to run with you, i need a buddy. are you signed up for any 5k/10k's/anything in the near future?
sorry about your house. we are thinking about putting ours on the market soon too- i'm nervous.

ok, so i hope you don't mind that i am stalking your blog!

p.s. you look FABULOUS.

Andy and Kimi said...

I'm so impressed with your running- what good memories of the two of us running the track after school! Fun you went to NYC- and fun that your girls are looking SO big. Sorry about the woes of selling a house- you know things will work out, but still frustrating to be in such limbo. Love you!